Cedar Hills Adult Residential Care | Assisted Living for a Better Quality of Life | Yakima, WA | 866-652-8987
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Welcome to Cedar Hills Adult Residential Care

Assisted Living for a Better Quality of Life



Assisted Living for a Better Quality of Life

Discover Cedar Hills Adult Residential Care, a leading Assisted Living facility that caters to adults with Alzheimer’s and dementia needs, with a specialized focus on Mental Health care. Located in the scenic Yakima Valley, we provide a safe, comfortable and enjoyable long term care environment for individuals seeking adult family care in the United States. Our mission is to deliver exceptional personal care that prioritizes the dignity and wellbeing of our residents while promoting healthy aging.


Upcoming Events

Cinco De Mayo Party

May 6, 2024

Mother's Day

May 12, 2024

Memorial Day

May 27, 2024

NAMI Yakima

June 1, 2024



Personalized Treatment and Specialized Adult Family Care

At Cedar Hills, we believe in personalized treatment and specialized care that caters to the unique needs of each individual. Our dedicated team is committed to providing every patient with the highest quality of care, regardless of their condition. We go above and beyond to create an environment where adults diagnosed with mental health challenges can thrive, become a part of a supportive community, and rediscover their love for life. Our care philosophy incorporates a diverse array of patient-oriented services, including personal care, memory care and dietary services, as well as social and recreational activities, 24-hour supervision and medical coordination.


Compassionate Caregivers and Personalized Attention

At Cedar Hills, our 5 caregivers are at the heart of our vibrant community. We wholeheartedly invest in their continual growth and professional ongoing development, providing access to continuing education and Home Care Aid certification. Our staff members have a deep understanding of the complex needs of our residents and engage in ongoing learning to consistently deliver the utmost quality of care.


To provide personalized support, we maintain a caregiver-to-patient ratio of no more than six to one, fostering meaningful connections and enabling one-on-one attention. Additionally, we are proud of our team’s diversity, with Spanish-speaking employees who bridge language barriers and cater to the unique needs of our residents. We prioritize the individuality of each person entrusted in our care.

Walk with Walking Aid


Enriching Lives: Our Dedication to Long Term Care

Choosing Cedar Hills Adult Residential Care means choosing a community that genuinely cares about the wellbeing and happiness of your family member. With us, you can have peace of mind knowing that they are in capable hands and surrounded by compassionate individuals. We invite you to explore our website and discover the comprehensive care and support we offer.


Take the first step towards securing a nurturing environment that your loved one truly deserves. Contact us today for more information or to learn more about why Cedar Hills is the ideal home for your family member.

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